Saturday, January 16, 2016
Thanks for keeping it a date with me on the blog,exactly a forthnight from the last post.I believe the light being shed on DETAILING in Mens Fashion,as got you interested in looking more dapper and sartorial,like you never did.Nevertheless, I won't quit being a Mens Fashion columnist, until every man has learnt how to dress NICE.
There's going to be a brief practical continuation, on one of the systematic approaches we spoke about in the last post. Like I said previously;Detailing in Mens Fashion,can be looked at in two different approaches. Firstly;Detailing a particular apparel,and Secondly,detailing the whole outfit.Today's post is going to be a thorough consideration of the first approach,which is DETAILING A PARTICULAR APPAREL.
What could detailing a particular apparel insinuate???I suppose,the question ain't too ambiguous for us not to have at least the slightest idea, of what detailing a particular apparel insinuates.But on a lighter mode,such little conundrums,birth great and deep answers,on the long run. And for that,a simple answer goes thus:adding one or two detailing elements to a particular apparel.It could be a shirt,trouser/pant,blazer,suit,suit vest,etc.
You might feel some kind of comfort,clearing out the first question.But here, another precedented question pops up...How then can a particular apparel be detailed???. Yeah this sounds quite straight forward,but could be crooked along the line,due to the shortage in variety of styles,that could be evoked on a particular apparel.Sometimes ago,a little but expedient research was made,in view of the above question;and the research turned out to be relevant,as it showed that,detailing a particular apparel,could simply be done by using two makore detailing elements.Its either you use another color of material/fabric or using a fabric accessory(majorly a button),so as to equip your apparel with a befitting detailing style.
I believe, we have got some insight, as regards Detailing in Mens Fashion. Am happy we have attained a new feat in covering the topic of discussion:DETAILING IN MENS FASHION.Kindly keep up with the blog as we anticipate a greater feat in another forthnight.Keep being SARTORIAL and DAPPER.
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